Mobile Worship
"And they came, everyone whose heart was stirred, and everyone whose spirit was willing, and brought the LORD's offering to be used for the tent of meeting, and for all its service, and or the sacred vestments."
(Exodus 35:21)
What do you do when God present you with a new reality? A new opportunity to connect with the Divine (and also one's fellow brothers and sisters in faith)? That's what the Hebrew people faced. Freed from slavery in Egypt... brought through trials and tribulations in the wilderness... and now God has instructed them on building a TABERNACLE (think: mobile worship space!). The tabernacle would move with the people. They'd now have, for the first time ever, a physical location to connect with God... but it would also be constantly changing locations, as God called them to the exact same thing.
But new horizons require new resources. So God (via Moses) laid out the plans for the tabernacle, and left it up to the people to contribute (or not). I love the way the author of Exodus puts it: "everyone whose heart was stirred and whose spirit was willing..." TWO aspects are needed: a heart that's capable of being moved... We have to have a "soft heart" that can feel with others - hurt where they hurt, rejoice where they rejoice, and be encouraged where they're encouraged. BUT is also take more than that. It takes a willing spirit to act. Many of us are moved by a touching story or a powerful film or book... but can we take the next step? Can we act on those inspirations and give - of ourselves and our resources?
We're in new and completely uncharted territory with this COVID-19 era. Church as we used to do it is no more (at least for now). Everything has changed. God has given us a new reality... a chance to "take church with us" (even though we're hardly going anywhere! lol). We are in the time of the ultimate "mobile ministry"). But it also will take new resources if we are going to do this well (and with endurance). Financial, technological, emotional, relational, etc.
And so I'm called to share the vision with my people... and pray that God will not only touch their hearts, but also give them a willing spirit. The amounts that people can give (financially) will vary quite a bit (especially given the extremely challenging economic realities of today!)... but remember, there are other resources needed as well. What counts most is a person's willingness to respond to the Holy Spirit. May it be so for all of us.