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But some doubted...

"Now the 11 disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. When they saw him, they worshipped him; but some doubted. And Jesus came and said to them..."

(Matthew 28:16-18a)

What would it have been like to have walked and talked with Jesus? To have heard him teach? Seen him heal? Watched him confront the religious leaders of his day? It must have been incredibly awe-inspiring! Oh, to have been with the the 12 disciples...

And yet, the actions of the crucifixion must have likewise been terrifying for them. If they could do that to Jesus, they could also do it to his closest followers. And then the perplexing message of that first Easter! Dead, now alive?!? It must have been so difficult to process.

The last chapter of Matthew's gospel chronicles that Easter day. From the women who first came to the tomb... to their meeting with the risen Christ... to the "Great Commission" atop an undisclosed mountain in Galilee. It's a classic chapter in the life and faith of the early church.

And yet... there's a curious statement in v.17. The disciples (11 of them, Judas was no longer in the picture) are with Jesus... reunited at last! What joy! What inspiration! What a moving moment! But Matthew writes, "When they saw him, they worshipped him; but some doubted." Many (most) of the disciples worshipped... but some doubted.

Remember, these aren't some completely random 11 people who were just pulled off the street. THESE ARE THE DISCIPLES! They are Jesus' closest friends and followers. They'd been with him practically 24/7 for the last 3 years. On what we imagine to be their greatest day as people (that first Easter!), Matthew says, "But some doubted." Wow. Seriously?!? And notice that Jesus still addresses them all. He doesn't send away the doubters before delivering the Great Commission.

I love this. It says to me that not only are we welcomed by Jesus in the midst of our (more than occasional) doubts, struggles, and uncertainties... but also that those very same qualities do not disqualify us from faith! On the contrary! Those "doubting" followers still came to the mountaintop - despite their lack of certainty.

Welcome to the family of faith friends. There's room for everyone (and their doubts!).

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