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Repairs needed.

"Your prophets have been like jackals among ruins, O Israel. You have not gone up into the breaches, or repaired a wall before the house of Israel, so that it might stand in battle on the day of the LORD."

(Ezekiel 13:5)

The thing about walls is... they're only good when they're in good condition. When they start to crumble or get in disrepair, they're vulnerable.

The notes in my Oxford Study Bible say this about Ezekiel, chapter 13: 'ORACLES AGAINST FALSE PROPHECY. A major challenge for Ezekiel was opposing false prophets, particularly ones advocating nationalistic hope. Such prophets gave the people a false security that robbed them of their chance to find life amid the coming judgment.'

The people of Israel were about to face a reckoning. Generation after generation had been unfaithful to God (mainly by how they treated one another!)... and they finally were login got have to face the consequences of prolonged spiritual infidelity. The superpower Babylonians were coming... and the nation would soon be in ruins (not to mention many of the best and brightest would be carried away in exile!). God didn't cause it, but he would allow it to happen.

In chapter 13 of Ezekiel, God laments the prophets who shirked their duties to the people. Knowing there were big gaping holes in the "spiritual walls" of the nation, they did not seek to repair them and work for change in society. Instead, they relied upon nationalistic rhetoric, encouraging the people that they're going to be all right. Although it didn't seem to be a problem at the time, soon a war would come and the walls would crumble - both physically and spiritually!

As a nation, we Americans must also critically examine how we're treating ALL people. We must look for those gaps, holes, and crumbling areas of our society that do not seek the welfare of all our citizens. Now is the time to repair those breeches. We must work together in unity, or we may fall when it matters most.

Similarly, there are holes in the spiritual walls of each of us as individuals. And although we also may not feel like there are any current "threats" to our faith, at some point the battle may come to our doorstep. Then where will we be. We need to ask God to reveal those areas of our spiritual walls that need repair... and then allow God to commence the repairs! May God help us identify and take seriously these deficiencies... before it's too late.


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