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on the wrong end of sarcasm

"For this people's heart has grown dull, and their ears are hard of hearing, and they have shut their eyes; so that they might not look with their eyes, and listen with their heart and turn - and I would heal them."

(Matthew 13:15)

We're still in the early stages of understanding this global pandemic known as COVID-19. Information changes so often. Just read an article today saying that temperature scanning may not be that effective for infection detection, due to the fact that some folks are asymptomatic. Instead, they are exploring the "smell test" as a better indication for infection (due to the fact that loss of taste and loss of smell now seem to be symptoms).

That was on my heart as I read today's passage from Matthew 13. Jesus begins this "parable-rich" chapter by telling the parable of the "seeds/soils." Later, his disciples as for both an interpretation... and and explanation as to WHY he speaks in parables. Jesus replies with sarcasm (a man after my own heart). Actually, he replies by quoting Isaiah, who, in turn, was relaying GOD'S SARCASM!

God/Isaiah/Jesus note that people's hearts have grown dull... and they've shut their ears and eyes from what's happening around them. Otherwise, pokes the Divine, they would actually UNDERSTAND and LEARN and BE CHANGED. (Ouch)

As upsetting as it must be not to be able to taste or smell (not to mention the other more crippling side effects that come with COVID-19)... how much more devastating must it be to not be able to see/hear/feel whatever it is that God wants to teach us? I pray I never get to the point where MY HEART grows dull... my eyes fail to see... and my ears cannot hear the TRUTH that God is trying to reveal in my life. Yes, there are upsetting, frustrating, and disappointing things on the news all the time. It would be easy to want to shut it all out (and continue thinking/feeling/believing whatever I currently do!). But some of that is GOD trying to get my attention.

Can I hear it?

Can I see it?

Can I feel it?

I don't want to be on the wrong side of God's sarcasm.

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