The apple of my eye

"For thus said the LORD of hosts (after his glory sent me) regarding the nations that plundered you: Truly, one who touches you touches the apple of my eye."
(Zecharaiah 2:8)
I turned 53 yesterday. Age has never been a big deal to me. My associate pastor and his wife are pregnant with their first child. They're both in their mid 30's. As I was thinking of their excitement and preparations... I thought about how Jody and I felt when our kids were born... and how blessed we are even now when they're both in their mid-20's (and married).
Life is good (despite the global pandemic).
In Zechariah, God tells his people how precious they are to him... despite all the exile & destruction they've been through recently. "Truly, one who touches you touches the apple of my eye," says the LORD. God feels such love & affection for his people that he refers to them in such endearing terms ("the apple of my eye").
What a blessing to know that we're loved so deeply by God. Just as we love our children and grandchildren deeply, even more so does God love us. Wow. What a blessing.