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Give Freely

"Do not eat the bread of the stingy; do not desire their delicacies."

(Proverbs 23:6)

Abundance v. Scarcity. It's a battleground right now - especially during this global pandemic. Do we see the world as locked in a fight over scarcity (there's never enough to go around)... or do we recognize the abundance that IS present - and live with generous hands and hearts? (NOTE: Whenever our kids would complain that the other ate "the last of the ____________," my wife would say, "There is no shortage of _____________ in this world!" as a way of reminding them we can always go out and get more.)

The Old Testament book of Proverbs has a lot to say about GENEROSITY. "Those who are generous are blessed, for they share their bread with the poor" (Prov. 22:9). The very next chapter even says, "Do not eat the bread fo the stingy; do not desire their delicacies; for like a hair in the throat, so are they. 'Eat and drink!' they say to you; but they do not mean it." (23:6-7)

Throughout my life, I have been blessed in so many ways by others. People have willingly shared with me and my family: friendship, time, talents, gifts, resources, opportunities, etc. We, also, seek to be generous people - sharing what we have with others. There's something profoundly freeing and inspiring to be able to "hold on loosely" to whatever it is that we've been blessed with. I'd rather own things, than be owned by my things. Let us ALL seek to live lives of generosity. (I'm pretty sure this would will be a much better place because of it!)

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