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Goliath (reinterpreted)

"There was again war at Gath, where there was a man of great size, who had 6-fingers on each hand, and 6-toes on each foot, 24 in number; he too was descended from the giants. When he taunted Israel, Jonathan, son of David's brother, Shimei, killed him."

(2 Samuel 21:20-21)

"I do not mean to pry, but you don't by any chance happen to have six fingers on your right hand?" Thus asks Indigo Montoya, so famously in the film, 'THE PRINCESS BRIDE.' A man with 6-fingers had murdered his father when Indigo was just a boy. He had since dedicated his life to becoming a master swordsman seeking to avenge his father's death.

There's an interesting 5 verses in 2 Samuel 21, where the author mentions 4 giants from the land of the Philistines who fought against the Israelites, while David was king. One of them is named GOLIATH and had a spear the size of a "weaver's beam." ("Wait, that sounds vaguely familiar...") EXACTLY! That's the same name (and description) of the giant whom David so famously defeated back in 1 Samuel 17. So I looked in my Bible commentary notes and discovered that scholars believe it was an earlier tradition than 1 Samuel 17... where the original story was "reinterpreted" with David as the hero.

At first, this could be quite shocking. Faith-shattering, even, for some. But one of the adages that I've come to embrace in Biblical study is this: "Just because something may not have actually happened, doesn't mean it isn't TRUE." That spiritual truth can be found in a variety of areas: stories, parables, allegories, etc. Whether they actually took place or not does not dilute the power and truth that it can bring. Or how God can use it to inspire us and change our lives.

So, these 4 stories of leaders in David's reign & realm all overcome a giant foe (quite literally!). We, as people of faith, can take heart in knowing that with God's help... nay, with God as our foundation... that we, too, can overcome gigantic obstacles in life! (Even if it's in the form of a six-fingered man!!)

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