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God's meteor shower

"But they and our ancestors acted presumptuously and stiffened their necks and did not obey your commandments; they refused to obey, and were not mindful of the wonders that you performed among them..."

(Nehemiah 9:16-17a)

The past 2 nights have been the GEMINID METEOR SHOWER> News articles said that the best time to view it was between 9-10pm in the northern hemisphere (due to the darkened skies from the new moon). Sunday night while I was out in the back yard with the dogs, I stood for 20 min. or so and viewed 8 meteors! EIGHT!!! And the first two I saw were easily the brightest I'd ever seen!

It could have been so easy to have missed it. Amazing things were happening in the night sky, and had I chosen to stay inside these past two nights, I would have missed them. How telling.

In the Hebrew Scriptures' book of NEHEMIAH, the people of Israel have finally returned to the motherland after being away for 70 years in exile. They repaired the walls to the city of Jerusalem (for protection), and then turned their attention to the temple. To kick things off, the people gathered to worship.

Ezra, one of the leaders, recounts the history of the people - starting with Abraham and God's gracious promise. He remembers the patriarchs... the Exodus events... Mt. Sinai's revelation... etc. Even with all these amazing interventions by God, the people still strayed. "They were not mindful of the wonders you performed among them," says Ezra.

I wonder if the same thing could be said of us today?

How aware are we of the many ways God has acted in our lives? Each and every day provides an opportunity to "look up" and witness God's "meteor shower of grace" in and around us. Are we paying attention? Are we clued in... or clueless?

Amazing things are taking place... even in the midst of this COVID-19 pandemic. God is performing wonders friends. Go outside and look up.


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