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"Be subject to one another out of reverence to Christ."

(Ephesians 5:21)

Back in the day (which, unfortunately, wasn't too long ago... {sigh}), there used to be a general understanding that men were the "stronger" gender, and thus women should be subservient to men (especially in marriage). The Bible (also, unfortunately) could be used to "prove" this notion. Ephesians 5:22-24 is the infamous passage saying, "Wives, be subject to your husbands." When taken as a stand-alone section of the Bible (without looking at the larger body of Scripture!), one could see how women were told to "obey" without question. This, unfortunately, has led some (who really didn't read beyond v.24) to abuse that relationship, and sometimes even women in particular.

I believe that seen as a whole, the Bible lifts up love, respect, mutuality, and caring for all people. Ephesians 5:21 (one verse prior to that infamous passage) says this: "BE SUBJECT TO ONE ANOTHER..." To me, that says we all (both women & men) need to respect, care for, and be in loving relationship with our spouses (um, duh!). No matter what gender, we need to treat our live-long partners with tenderness, grace, respect and love. If we ALL do that (w/o "lording over" others with our power, strength, authority, etc.)... relationships will be closer to the way God originally intended!

Look at how Jesus lived his life. He did not wield his power and authority as a weapon. He didn't try to force himself or his will on others. He lived a life of service, sacrifice, and love. Paul (the writer of Ephesians) says we need to be subject to one another out of reverence for Christ. Meaning, that's how HE lived his life! And if we claim to be followers, so too must we!

Too many of us get caught tup in "power trips" that God never intended for us to wield. May we all be more like Jesus... especially in our most intimate of relationships!

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