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What I'm discovering while Scripture Journaling

Aloha!  Thanks for finding my Scripture Journaling Blog!


Over a decade ago, my personal spiritual journey changed when I discovered what I've come to call "Scripture Journaling."  It's basically reading the Bible devotionally.  It's listining for a word from the LORD when reading the pages of Scripture.  The process is simple:


  • S - Scripture... what word, phrase, or verse(s) from Scripture have stood out to you during this reading?

  • O - Observation... what insight do you learn from this section of scripture (about God, yourself, humanity, life, etc.)?

  • A - Application... how does this apply to your life? What might God be asking you to say/do/think differently?

  • P - Prayer... write a short prayer in response to what God has shared with you during this journaling session!


That's it!  It's a simple as that.   You can use this system whenever you're studying the Bible!  If you'd like a reading plan that goes through the Old Testament once & the New Testament twice in a year, follow this link to my church website.  May this practice bring as much joy, challenge, encoruagement, and blessing to you as it does for me!

palmdale united methodist church
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