"Needlepoint, anyone?"
"Laban said, 'This heap is a witness between you and me today.' Therefore he called it Galeed, and the pillar Mizpah, for he said, 'The LORD watch between you and me, when we are absent from one another.'"
(Genesis 31:48-49)
One fo the verses in the Bible that often gets made into wall-hangings, needlepoint, or embroidered onto pillows (do people actually still do that?) is Genesis 31:49: "The LORD watch between you and me, when we are absent from one another." One envisions a soldier going off to war and telling his bride this. Or a student heading off to college (out of state, of course), and letting his/her best friend know how much they mean by quoting this verse. Or even someone near death wanting to reassure their loved ones it will be all right after they're gone.
Um... nope. That wasn't the original context.
Originally, it was said by one trickster to another. Laban had given (well, that's not exactly right... "sold" is probably more accurate) both of this daughters to Jacob in marriage (courtesy of the old "wedding night switcheroo"). Jacob had swindled both his father's blessing and his older brother's birthright, before having to flee (to Laban) for his life. Two weddings, four baby-mommas, thirteen kids, twenty years, and countless flocks later, Jacob & Co. decide to head home... without telling good 'ole father-in-law, Laban.
When Laban hears about the abrupt departure and eventually tracks them down, he's livid!! HOW DARE JACOB LEAVE LIKE THAT!?! (Of course, he couches it as wanting to send them off with a party and blessing, but we all know that's a LIE!). THAT is when Laban speaks the words from v.49. But (and this is a BIG 'but')... he follows it up with v.50: "If you ill-treat my daughters, or if you take wives in addition to my daughters, though no one else is with us, remember that God is witness between you and me." (Cue Liam Neeson's iconic monologue from "TAKEN"... "I have a specific set of skills...").
They totally don't trust each other. But they're willing to entrust the other to God. I guess that's somewhat positive. Maybe instead of holding grudges, we can do the same. We can entrust our "enemies" (and friends!) to Gods' gracious and merciful loving care. So be it. AMEN.