Learning from the women...
"Meanwhile, standing near the cross of Jesus were his mother, and his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene."
(John 19:25)
It was a dark night. Jesus had been arrested. The disciples put up a bit of a fight (well, Peter did)... but ultimately fled. Jesus had warned them earlier they'd abandon him. Peter vehemently denied he'd do that (he did... and he also denied even knowing Jesus!). Jesus was hauled in before the Jewish high priest and then the Roman governor. The crowds were relentless in calling for his death. So Pilate acquiesced. He condemned Jesus to death by crucifixion.
Guilt by association. That's what the disciples feared. If they could do this to Jesus, it's just a matter of time before they came for the rest of them. And besides, Jesus would want them to be able to carry on his message, right? They'd need to be careful and cautious. He'd understand.
But the women came. Despite the danger. Despite being seen as "less than" by most of the male-dominated society. And they stayed. Till the end. John tells us there were 4 women specifically who stayed: 3 Marys (Jesus' mom, Cleopas' wife, and Mary Magdalene)... and Jesus' aunty.
In their solidarity and commitment, we have a lot to learn from the women. They stood near the cross. They were willing to enter into he pain and suffering of another. They were able to hold the struggle of another with their own uncomfortableness, apprehension and fear. To "stand near the cross" is to do just that. To stand alongside those in need. To re-present the grace of God to another. Even when it hurts. And is dangerous.
As a pastor, I get the opportunity to do just that. To stand alongside people when they're at their best and their worst. It's a privilege... even when it's painful, uncomfortable, and heartbreaking. But you don't have to be a pastor to "stand near the cross." Look to the women. They (not the "official" disciples) were the ones who stayed. Praise God. May it be so for us, too, as we follow in their footsteps. AMEN.