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"Take what belongs to you and go; I choose to give to this last the same as I give to you. Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or are you envious because I am generous?"

(Matthew 20:14-15)

When I was in the 4th grade, I remember our church's children program (we met every Wednesday night while our parents were at bible study & worship) was planning a field trip to McDonalds. We'd be able to see how they made hamburgers, fries, shakes, etc. inside their kitchen. PLUS, we'd each get a Happy Meal! Well, as you might expect, I was super stoked! Everyone who'd been active in the children's program could go.

Then my mom invited our neighbor friends, the Duffy girls, to come with us.

I was incredulous! "THAT'S NOT FAIR!!!" I protested! They hadn't come to ANY of the Wednesday night events. They shouldn't be able to reap the "rewards" of the faithful.

Why is it that we humans have such a hard time sharing joy, blessings, and good things when we think others haven't "earned" (or don't deserve) it? Jesus' parable of the workers in the vineyard addresses this human tendency. A vineyard owner hires workers first thing in the morning, and agrees to pay them a day's wage. He goes back 4 more times throughout the day or so, each time hiring more. And each time for those, he offers to pay them "what is fair." At the end of the day, the owner pays everyone the same - a full day's wage.

Of course, the workers who've been there the entire day are upset. (Incredulous, even!) "IT'S NOT FAIR!!!" they exclaim. But the owner reminds them that they were paid exactly what he had promised them. A full day's wage. "Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me?" he asks. "Or are you envious because I am generous?"

Wow. That hits home, doesn't it? This world is actually full of abundance. Even in areas of some kinds of scarcity, there are always other intangibles that are in abundance (like love, peace, acceptance, grace, etc.). We must move away from a scarcity mentality. God's love and grace is abundant! We need to be more open to ALL PEOPLE experiencing the goodness that's all around. When good things and blessings come to others, we shouldn't begrudge them. Not at all. Let's have a bit of McGrace!

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