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Beloved, even.

"And just as he was coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens torn apart and the Spirit descending like a dove on him. And a voice came from heaven, 'You are my son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.'"

(Mark 1:10-11)

When I was a senior in high school I was chosen to be a leader at our student council retreat. I wasn't even on the student council, but somehow got asked to help nonetheless (very cool!). Anyway, one of the activities we did at the retreat was am exercise in decision making called "Black or White." It started easy enough: Coke or Pepsi? Dancing or Dining? Rock or Pop? Playing sports or watching sports? etc. Each of the kids had to move to one side of the room or the other, depending on which choice they were making.

As the game progressed, however, the decisions got much harder. One of the final questions went something like this: "Do you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that your parents genuinely love you, or do you have your doubts?" My heart sank as 4-5 young people moved to the uncertain side of the room. How tragic! I went home and thanked my parents, with tears in my eyes, for the love they'd given me.

The truth is that I've been blessed to grow up in a family where I was always affirmed, valued, appreciated, and told that I was loved. Beloved, even! Every birthday card I get from my dad, still today, contains a handwritten line telling me how proud he is of me, and how much he loves me!

When Jesus was baptized, as he was coming out of the waters, Mark tells us that Jesus heard God's voice telling him how much he was loved. Beloved, even. I have to believe that fueled him in his 3-years of ministry... especially during the difficult times. To know that one is loved and affirmed is invaluable!

As Christians, we believe the same blessing and affirmation that Jesus received at his baptism is given to each and every one of us at our baptisms as well (no matter how old or young we may be at the time!). We are loved by God! Beloved, even!! We are people of immeasurable worth. We need to know that... and then live our lives with that confidence. Why? So we can be all that God has created us to be. People who can change the world!

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