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"I don't have any money, but..."

"One day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the hour of prayer... and a man, lame from birth, was being carried in... When he saw Peter & John about to go into the temple, he asked them for alms... but Peter said, 'I have no silver or gold, but what I have I give you; in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, stand up and walk'..."

(Acts 3:1-2, 3, 6)

Last week I was down in LA to hear Rob Bell speak. I was in an area of the city I'd never been before (Highland Park). We got there early and walked around a bit before the show. Then when my friend and I were waiting outside the venue to get in, a woman was walking down the line asking everyone for money. I rarely carry any cash, so I legitimately didn't have anything to give her.

When I was in seminary on the East Coast, I learned of ways to help folks who panhandle, in addition to giving them money (which I do from time to time as well)... like having some granola bars or pieces of fruit to give to folks in need. Or to order a larger meal than you can eat, then box up the leftovers to give to someone on your way home. Or to ask the person, 'Have you eaten today?' (which is a very different question from , 'are you hungry?'). Then offering to buy them some food to eat. Living here in the high desert of southern California, I've also come to carry around extra bottles of water to give to people on the street (you can never have enough water living in the desert!).

Anyway, while reading Acts 3 today I encountered the story of the beggar who approached Peter & John outside the temple, asking for money. They had no money, but prayed for the man to be healed, which he was. Talk about the best gift ever! And it made me realize that even when I don't have cash to give someone (or bottles of water, or time to get someone food, etc.), I can still offer to pray for them. Some may refuse. Maybe. But I should at least offer. Who knows how God might choose to bless them. And let me be clear: not because my prayers are more special than anyone else's prayers... but because God is special, and moves in mysterious ways!

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