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Remember or Repeat!

"You shall not wrong or oppress a resident alien, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt."

(Exodus 22:21)

George Santayana said, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." (Okay, full disclosure: I thought this quote was much older than the 1960's, and I also didn't know who said it until a Google search today.) It's so true, though, isn't it? Humanity has a history of going in cycles. We tend to forget our mistakes... and then are somehow surprised when we relive them.

The most impactful event in Israel's history was probably the Exodus (though you could make a case for the Exile as well). This event could very well be subtitled, "How to move from slavery to freedom in 40 easy years!" Nevertheless, as the people finally settled into the Promised Land that God had provided for them, God made sure to remind them that they were once strangers and foreigners in a foreign land. Never forget where you've come from! God reminded the people to take care not to wrong or oppress an alien in their midst!

Immigration & foreign policy is a touchy subject today - both in the USA and around the world. For some, it's an issue of safety & security. For other, it's an issue of justice & compassion. Regardless of where you fall on the political spectrum, the Biblical sentiment about treating foreigners in our midst is so true. BE KIND! BE COMPASSIONATE! DO NOT OPPRESS FOREIGNERS! EVER! (No matter how they got here, or how long/short they're staying!)

Remember, we ALL were immigrants once (except for our Native American brothers and sisters here in the US). Let us not fail to act on our own history, lest we are forced to relive it.

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