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Of Ferris Bueller and Moses

"Then Moses said, 'I must turn aside and look at this great sight, and see why the bush is not burned up.' When the LORD saw that he had turned aside to see, God called to him out of the bush..."

(Exodus 3:3-4)

The famed philosopher Ferris Bueller once said, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." So true! Take Moses, for example. He'd fled from Pharaoh's household after killed someone, and had taken residence in the hill country as a shepherd. But God had bigger plans for him.

We all know "The Burning Bush" story, right? Fiery bush... no smoke... no actual burning. That's how God got Mo's attention. But Moses still had to look... closely! He "turned aside" to further investigate. And that's when God spoke to him. In fact, the author states, "when the LORD saw that he had turned aside to see," God started talking!

Life moves pretty fast. How often do we "stop and look around"? We move through our week and our routines. We try our best to "keep on keepin' on." But wondrous things are happening all around us! When Jody and I first moved up to the Antelope Valley, I really enjoyed taking photos of the high desert. When I showed them to folks in my church (mostly via Facebook), many of them were surprised at how "beautiful" their surroundings actually were. Some even said they'd been living here for many years, and had never seen some of the things I had in my photos!

Life moves pretty fast. If we don't stop and look around, we must might miss something. Something pretty amazing. Who knows, we even might miss a word from God!

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