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Say nothing.

"And once more he came and found them sleeping, for their eyes were very heavy; and they did not know what to say to him."

(Mark 14:40)

I could be the worst praying pastor ever. Seriously! I discovered back in seminary that if I sit still and try to pray silently for more than 5 minutes, I fall asleep (you know the drill: head bowed, eyes closed, etc.). (NOTE: I've since discovered a more "active prayer lifestyle" - rarely, if ever, closing my eyes and sitting still while praying!).

So I can TOTALLY RELATE to the disciples who were sleeping while Jesus was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus took his 3 besties (Peter, James & John) up with him to pray. It was a critical night for him. He knew his life was coming to an end soon. He needed his closest friends praying for/with him. But alas, they couldn't keep their eyes open, and he caught them sleeping 3 different times.

Mark tells us that on the third time being caught, "they didn't know what to say to him" because of their sleepiness. So human, right? Sometimes we want to make excuses or try to justify our actions (I've had a long day, I'm just so exhausted, etc.). But the disciples had the wisdom to not say anything at all. They just kept silent So smart. And Jesus, though disappointed, just moved on.

To me, this story is a reminder to keep my mouth shut whenever I get overwhelmed in life (or embarrassed). I don't always have to say something. Who knew!?!

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