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A "love appeal"

"For this reason, though I am bold enough in Christ to command you to do your duty, yet I would rather appeal to you on the basis of love..."

(Philemon 8-9)

"PULLING RANK." It's an expression that implies using the power that one's position gives over another person, in order to compel them to do something. It comes from the military where there's a clear "chain of command," and everyone knows exactly who is in authority over them (as well as under them). Even if you don't agree about an action, if your superior commands you to do it, you either do it or face the consequences.

In the one-chapter book of Philemon, Paul is writing to his friend (Philemon) about his slave, Onesimus, who is now with Paul. We don't know if Onesimus ran away, was sent to Paul and stayed longer than he should have, or is simply visiting Paul. But there's obviously some tension between Philemon and Onesimus. So in this letter, Paul is appealing for mercy, forgiveness and grace.

What's interesting, though, is how Paul makes that appeal. He basically says he could "pull rank" on Philemon, if he wanted to ("I am bold enough to command you to do your duty"). But instead, Paul decides to appeal to him "on the basis of love." (Let's set aside the fact that simply bringing up the topic of pulling rank is kind of a passive-aggressive way of actually pulling rank!)

This is actually very helpful advice. In all of our relationships (spouse, children, family, co-workers, friends, etc.) where we have some influence over others, instead of trying to impose our way (even if we know we're right)... appeal to love! Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "Hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can." We could substitute the words "force" or "compulsion" for hate. We can't force people (and the world) to change for the better - even if it should! We can try. We might make some progress. But a true revolution can only occur through love - where lasting change takes place.

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