"They found none."
"Now the chief priests and the whole council were looking for false testimony against Jesus so that they might put him to death, but they found none."
(Matthew 26:59-60)
Call it lies... or misleading testimony... or even "fake news." Whatever you call it, they were looking for it. The religious leaders - the chief priests and council. They, who were tasked with helping guide the people in their walk with God. They, who were trusted and respected by the masses. They were now looking to abuse that power. Jesus had become a serious threat to their way of life, and they wanted him dead.
It was a simple plan, really. All they had to do was find someone (or multiple someones) who could testify to something Jesus did that was against their religious laws. The only problem was - no one would say anything against him! No one! I think that's a very true and honest statement. As Jesus lived and moved through the Middle East, he conducted himself in a way that left everyone impressed. No one had anything bad to say about Jesus. No one.
Granted, we are not Jesus. But what a wonderful testimony to one's life, don't you think? That no one would have anything bad to say about you (or at least nothing worth the death penalty!). And I know, it's not our job to try and go through life getting everyone to like us. But if we live the way Jesus lived - reaching out and including all, not condemning others, but offering grace and love to everyone... THAT would be a life well lived, don't you think?
May it be so with us.