"One day (Jesus) got into a boat with his disciples, and he said to them, 'Let us go across to the other side of the lake.' So they put out, and while they were sailing he fell asleep..."
(Luke 8:22-23)
I'll admit it. I fall asleep in the car pretty easily. Especially after a long day out. Just ask my friends Jack or Nils. When I go out on trips with either of them, there's a 90% chance (okay, maybe 99%) that I'll be asleep on the way home (as long as I'm not driving!). Even my wife knows that she might have to take over driving duties if we're traveling together late at night.
Maybe it's genetics. My father is notorious for falling asleep in the car (again, not while driving) - at ANY time of the day! Maybe there's a scientific explanation. Maybe it's just that I'm so active, I rarely take the time to rest enough.. so whenever I'm seated for an extended period of time without needing to focus/concentrate, my body decides to shut down. Who knows. Except Jesus.
Jesus also fall asleep while traveling. At least once! The Bible records the time he and his disciples were crossing the Sea of Galilee, and he fell asleep. A storm arose later and the disciples all freaked out thinking they'd drown... before Jesus woke up and calmed the storm. That's "the point" of this story, right? That Jesus calmed the storm?! But that's not what spoke to me today. Today I was comforted by knowing that Jesus fell asleep while traveling.
Maybe he was simply tired (exhausted!?!) from going all the time and expending energy on behalf of others (It happens to the best of us). That's probably the most "likely" explanation. But maybe he also felt "at home" with his disciples. He trusted them. He wasn't worried about the journey. So he simply placed himself under their care. And fell asleep. That's kind of comforting, isn't it?
It happens to the best of us.