"May our sons in their youth be like plants full grown, our daughters like corner pillars, cut for the building of a palace."
(Psalm 144:12)
Parents always want the best for their children. I'm sure it's been like that since the beginning of time. But HOW it gets expressed changes, given the culture and setting. And not all children are treated equal.
My wife is the oldest of 3 children. When she graduated from high school (as an honor student), her parents gave her a brand new, state-of-the-art Brother electric typewriter to take to college. Her sister graduated a year later, and she also received a brand new, state-of-the-art Brother electric typewriter. A year later, their "little brother" graduated from high school What did he get from his parents? Dad's 1969 candy-apple red Corvair convertible. (Now grated, it "needed some work", but still...)
In ancient days (ie. Biblical times), women were often seen as "property" to be passed on from one man to another (hence, the weeding tradition of a father "giving away" his daughter to her fiancé). In fact, if a woman didn't have a man in her life (either a husband or a grown son) she was extremely vulnerable in society. Thus, many passages in the Old Testament speak about the social justice obligation to care for the widows!
So I was a bit surprised to read Psalm 144 today... where in verse 12 the Psalmist speaks blessings on the children of Israel. For the boys: "May our sons in their youth be like plants full grown." That's awesome. A prayer for maturity and full development for our sons.
And then comes the prayer for the girls: "...Our daughters like corner pillars, cut for the building of a palace." At a time when women weren't always fully valued and appreciated, the Psalmist asks that they be the CORNERSTONE of our lives and families. Corner pillars... that which holds everything up!
In many cultures, women are indeed "cornerstones." In families... communities... churches... organizations... They are often more grounded and stable than most of us men. And the world is a better place because of women!
Hear, hear, Psalm 144 writer! I, too, am grateful for the women in my life who have been "pillars" for me. AMEN.