the Women
"I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that lived first in your grandmother Lois, and your mother Eunice, and now, I am sure, lives in you."
(2 Timothy 1:5)
I'm so grateful for my family. So many of my family members & close relatives have helped shape who I am. Today, while reading 2 Timothy, I enjoyed seeing Paul give compliments to Timothy's mom (Eunice) and grandmother (Lois), and how they passed on the faith to Timothy. So it got me thinking about my moms and grandmothers.
SYLVIA (my birth mom) was an athlete, very outgoing and friendly, a leader, and a strong Christian. Though she died in a car accident when I was 5 1/2 years old, I'm sure much of who I am was formed with her love and nurture (sociologists tell us that a child's personality is largely set by age 4!).
PAT is the mom I grew up with. She married my dad a year or so after Sylvia's death. She was also an athlete, a woman of faith, and had a wicked sense of humor! I'm sure that my fun-loving & jovial spirit (not to mention sense of humor) was forged under her tutelage.
GRANDMA WHITE (Louisa) was a nurse, an outdoors woman (living in Montana), and an artist. She had a deep and abiding faith that not only helped shape my father as he grew up, but also shaped mine! Her prayers, encouragement, and witness had a profound impact on my life, right up through high school graduation (when she passed away).
GRANDMA YOUNG (Lucy) is probably the grandma that I knew the least. She lived in VA And died rather early in my childhood. During the times I remember her, she was fairly frail (sat in a wheelchair, and needed constant oxygen). But she was a woman of faith and helped shape Sylvia's life, so she must have been a wonderful model for her.
GRANDMA SWANSON (Kay) was my "bonus grandma." I got her when my dad married Pat. She, too, was very funny! Different than how my mom was funny, but humorous nonetheless. She loved to golf. And she was a pretty darn good cook (she's the one who started the tradition of making me an angel food cake w/ strawberries for my birthday!). I always enjoyed being around Grandma Kay while growing up.
For all those women... and the many others who have helped shape my faith over the years, I'm so grateful. Thanks be to God! AMEN.