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Vines & Fig Trees

"...But they shall all sit under their own vines and under their own fig trees, and no one shall make them afraid; for the mouth of the LORD of hosts has spoken."

(Micah 4:4)

There's a scene in the smash Broadway production, HAMILTON, when President George Washington confides to Alexander Hamilton that he's not going to run for a 3rd term as president. In the musical, Hamilton is shocked. But Washington insists it's the right thing to do, for a couple of reasons. First and foremost, he wants to help the nation move on to new leaders - and not get too attached to him. Second, he quotes Micah 4:4, saying that he wants to "sit under my own vine and fig tree" and be "safe in the nation we've made." This makes sense, of course, because Washington had led the Colonial Army throughout the Revolutionary War, then assumed the presidency (for 8 years) after that. He deserved some rest.

The vision that God gave the prophet Micah was a future where the people of Israel would be able to be at peace at their homes... "And no one shall make them afraid." The Hebrew people had a long history of having to fight to survive. So most of the time as a nation (as they knew it) was set within the framework of fighting, battles, and defense. What a gift to be able to sincerely be at peace. Without any threats.

I'm grateful to be able to live in the United States of America. But even here, many people don't "live in peace." We have many security features at our own homes (from alarm systems to locked mailboxes, to video cameras and fences, and even dogs!). I wonder how life would change if everyone truly felt safe in their homes. Like, all the time?!? And what about those in OTHER countries, where war and strife are a daily part of their lives? I can't imagine what life must be like in those situations. What a gift to be able to be free from the worry, stress, and strain of living in a state of non-peace.

All of God's children should be able to live in peace and security... no matter where they live, what their country of origin is, or how financially secure they may (or may not) be. We may not all have vines and fig trees, but wherever it is that we call "home," we should be at peace. May it be so.

Come, Lord Jesus... help bring your true peace on earth here and now. AMEN.

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