"May you be made strong with all the strength that comes from his glorious power, and may you be prepared to endure everything with patience, while joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has enabled you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the light."
(Colossians 1:11-12)
We live in a time and place where instant gratification is the norm. Microwaves cook our food in seconds. News & information are available all the time on the Internet. Shopping cam be done from a SmartPhone and next-day-delivery is commonplace. No longer do I have to ride my bike to the record store across town to get new music. I can stream or download it instantaneously. We're all used to getting what we want (or need) when we want it (or need it).
It would be nice to think that our faith worked the same way, wouldn't it? Of course, God is available 24/7 to us. We can call upon Him at anytime. But God is not a divine vending machine, just waiting around to do our bidding. It's more about a relationship with God than a transaction.
Which makes this passage from the Letter to the Colossians even more powerful. The author is writing to the church in Colossae, encouraging them as they wrestle with the challenges of life and faith. As with everyone, troubles are bound to come. But the author doesn't promise God's quick fix or immediate rescue (as much as we might want and desire that!). No, the writers asks instead that they be "made strong" with Gods' power, and be "prepared to endure everything with patience."
It's this last phrase that caught my attention today. Be prepared to endure everything with patience. To endure means to OUTLAST... to hold on... to weather the storm... to grind it out over the long haul. That's not always an easy thing to do. It covers broken relationships and heartbreaks. it encompasses life-threatening illness and accidents. It moves through job losses, unemployment, and not being able to do what brings you passion.
What's the remedy? Patience, yes. But one more thing: "...while joyfully giving thanks to the Father who has enabled you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the light." Give thanks. Be joyful. Gratitude goes a LONG WAY towards enabling us to endure. Our attitude is so important. Why be bitter, angry, or fearful. Give thanks! God has blessed us with a relationship with Him and with the larger community of faith - including those 'saints' who have gone before. So many people in my own life have had an influence on who I am today. Many of them have gone on to be with the Lord for eternity. Yet their witness and legacy lives on in me (and how they've helped change me). Praise God for their love and witness. We are better because of them! AMEN.