"(God) said, 'Listen to my words: If there is a prophet of the LORD among you, I make myself known to him in visions. I speak to him in dreams. But not with my servant Moses. He has proved to be reliable with all my household. I speak with him face to face, visibly, not in riddles..."
(Numbers 12:6-7)
There's an interesting story in the book of Numbers, chapter 12... when Moses' brother and sister (Aaron & Miriam) criticize him because he married a Cushite woman (v.1). They then ask (presumably each other), "Has the LORD spoken only through Moses? Hasn't he also spoken through us?"
Now, I haven't studied this text recently. But it looks to me like two issues are surfacing here: 1) racial/ethnic prejudices (the Cushite woman Moses married)... and 2) spiritual jealousy (why don't THEY have the same spiritual power/standing as Moses does, huh?!?).
These issues still plague us today. Racial/ethnic relations have indeed improved to some extend over the centuries... but we still have a long, long, long, L O N G way to go. Insensitivity, prejudice and downright racism are still prevalent in our culture. Oftentimes quite blatantly. And don't get me started on spiritual jealousy. The Church is (unfortunately) not much different from other areas of society when it comes to the viper of jealousy.
But the part of God's chastisement to Aaron & Miriam that stood out to me most today was verse 7. God says (re: Moses) "He has proved to be reliable with all my household." That really struck a chord. What a blessing to have God say that we have proved to be "reliable" with all of God's household.
As a pastor, I've been entrusted to a household of faith. In fact, Palmdale UMC is my 4th "household" of faith (after Christ UMC, Hilo UMC, and Aiea UMC). Being a pastor is a BIG responsibility... and nobody is perfect, of course. But what would it take for God to call me "reliable," like with Moses? A commitment to the message God gives. A fierce passion for the people entrusted to me (even when they proved to be challenging to lead, at times, like Moses experienced). And an unwavering focus in staying in communion with God.
May that be my guide... as I seek to shepherd the amazing "household" that God has entrusted to my care. That one day, God might reveal that I have been "reliable." May it be the same for you, wherever God has called you in life! AMEN.