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Lies! Lies! And more lies!

"When the seven days were almost completed, the Jews from Asia, who had seen Paul in the temple, stirred up the whole crowd. They seized him, shouting, 'Fellow Israelites, help! This is the man who is teaching everyone everywhere against our people, our law, and this place; more than that, he has actually brought Greeks into the temple and has defiled this holy place!' For they had previously seen Trophies the Ephesian with him in the city, and they supposed that Paul had brought him into the temple."

(Acts 21:27-29)

Haters. There everywhere. And they've been everywhere since the beginning. The Apostle Paul was one of the most controversial figures in the early church. He'd grown up a strict Jew (very conservative and passionately devout). Then had a dramatic conversion experience and became a Jesus-follower. But, of course, those within the faith didn't trust him at first. Over time, however, they came to embrace his conversion as authentic... and Paul became an epic evangelist, starting a TON of churches. He even began preaching to the non-Jews (aka "Gentiles" or "Greeks") when many fellow Jews repeatedly rebuffed his message.

Near what would be the end of his life, Paul began a collection for the "home church" in Jerusalem, which was struggling financially. Paul traveled the Mediterranean and took up offerings at many of the Christian communities he helped found. Upon returning to Jerusalem, word on the street was out... and some Jews were still resentful of him. So the Christian community suggested that Paul display a show a solidarity with the Jewish community, by accompanying 4 men who were undergoing a Nazarite vow (he even paid for their head shaving!). This was to show all the Jewish community that he still upheld the ritual laws.

But as they say, "haters gonna hate." And when some, who had seen him in the marketplace with a Greek (Trophimus the Ephesian), also saw him in the temple with those 4 head-shaved men, they began spreading the rumor that Paul brought non-Jews into the Temple (which was strictly forbidden). Which got all of the traditionalist riled up!

The truth, of course, is that was a big fat lie. Either an intentional lie to discredit Paul... or a misguided misunderstanding by someone who wanted to believe the worst about Paul, especially because it reinforced his/her preconceived bias against him. Either way, it's a lie. A flat out lie. And people believed it. MANY people.

This just reminded me not to immediately believe everything I hear (or see or read). From the TV to the internet, to even word of mouth. I frequently check when I see something potentially "scandalous" on the internet. And, more often than not, it turns out to be a lie. So this is a great call to check my sources first! Put the work into verifying facts, before I get all riled up and start believing something. ESPECIALLY if it confirms my existing bias/beliefs about someone/something. It's worth the extra effort.

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