"Can I get a witness?"
"In past generations he allowed all the nations to follow their own ways; yet he has not left himself without a witness in doing good - giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons and filling you with food and your hearts with joy."
(Acts 14:16-17)
"Does God really exist?"
"How can you prove God's presence in the world?"
"If someone never hears about Jesus over the course of their lifetime, can they still get into heaven?"
These questions (and others like them) came to mind as I was reading Acts 14 today. Paul and Barnabas had healed a crippled man, and the crowds in Lystra were ready to hail them as gods. Paul was quick to deflect the praise and turned people towards God himself. But in his "teaching," Paul mentioned that God "has not left himself without a witness" over the centuries. He goes on to list rains and harvests, food and joyful hearts as "witnesses" to God's goodness.
To me, this says that evidence of God's presence (and goodness!) is all around - if only we'll look for it! Others might dismiss this as simply "natural phenomenon," but if we look with expectant and faithful hearts, we'll find God's fingerprints everywhere. Including those things that fill our hearts with joy (and there are LOTS of them in my life!).
So... where have YOU seen evidence of God's goodness lately?