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It's not 1984, but...

"Then the LORD said, 'I have observed the misery of my people who are in Egypt; I have heard their cry on account of their taskmasters. Indeed, I know their sufferings, and I have come down to deliver them..."

(Exodus 3:7-8a)

Years ago, George Orwell gave us 1984 (Big Brother is watching!). Now, surveillance cameras, satellite video, and drone photography is everywhere. In fact, one-hit-wonder Rockwell sang, long ago, "I always feel like somebody's watching me!" (Michael Jackson even sang a cameo part on that song, in the height of his popularity... the song was released in January of 1984!).

But when it comes to God, there seems to be 2 separate camps. Those who grew up in the church often feel like God is always watching - often to points of paranoia (like God's simply waiting to catch us messing up!). And those outside the church often feel like God is notably distant and absent (especially with all the evil and tragedy that befalls humankind).

I was reading the book of Exodus this morning for my devotions, and found something quite inspiring. When God introduces himself to Moses, God uses a series of "I-statements," which actually address this very topic of God's presence/distance. He says...

"I have observed..." the misery of my people in Egypt.

"I have heard..." their cry.

"I know..." their sufferings.

"I have also seen..." how the Egyptians oppress them.

"I will send..." you to Pharaoh.

To me, it's a stunning series of revelations. God is NOT distant and removed. God sees, hears, and responds to us... in the midst of this sometimes hodgepodge mess of humanity. And God isn't looking to catch us messing up, either. God is looking to help us. To respond to injustice in this world. To save.

So God did something about it. He sent Moses. And thus began one of the more epic sagas of the Old Testament. It chronicles the up and down journey of God's saving history with his people. Why is this important to us today? I believe it shows that God cares... genuinely cares about us. That God is invested in our lives. And that God wants the best for us.

Now... how will WE respond?

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