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His parting shot

"And now I commend you to God and to the message of his grace, a message that is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all who are sanctified."

(Acts 20:32)

I've been blessed to serve 4 churches in my 24 years of ministry (and still counting!). Even more than my first Sunday at those churches, I distinctly remember my last Sundays (and the Sundays that I had to announce I would be leaving). Those days were always filled with a variety of emotions - including many tears. (I've been blessed too ave been loved by so many!)

Paul traveled. A lot. Had there been "frequent flier miles" (or sailor or caravaner) back in his day, he'd have been traveling on first-class upgrades all the time! But on what would be his final journey to Jerusalem, Paul swung by some of the church communities he'd help launch... including Ephesus. He then takes some time to say goodbye... to give his parting shot... to the beloved people of Ephesus. One of his final words are: "I commend you to God and to the message of his grace."

I love that.

What's the ONE thing you'd like to say about God, if you had to leave a person you cared about with a single message? I'd echo Paul. It's all about GRACE. God's grace. God's unmerited love and favor in our lives. In ALL of our lives (for everyone!). In fact, when I first came to Palmdale UMC, my initial sermon series was on the parables of grace by Jesus. It's that important to me.

Paul goes on to say that God's grace is able to "build you up and give you the inheritance among all who are sanctified." What more could you ask for? To be uplifted and counted among God's redeemed? Count me in!

May we marinate in God's grace. All the time. Every one of us. AMEN.

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