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Green with ____________

"But he answered his father, 'LISTEN! For all these years I have been working like a slave for you and I have never disobeyed your command; yet you have never given me even a young goat so that I might celebrate with my friends. But when this son of yours came back, who has devoured your property with prostitutes, you killed the fatted calf for him!'"

(Luke 15:29-30)

Remember when you were a kid... and after opening presents on Christmas morning, you'd take your favorite gift(s) out in the neighborhood to play with... and the other kids on the street would have theirs out, too? Was it just me, or did you also compare your best with what others' got? Why is that?!?

And have you noticed how strong a judge of FAIRNESS most children are? When someone gets something, other kids often say, "That's not fair!!!" It could be a gift, a bigger scoop of ice-cream, or even a chance to go somewhere fun. It seems like if everyone doesn't experience exactly the same thing (and how often does that ever happen?), kids are quick to exclaim, "That's so not fair!" Is that US phenomenon, or do other cultures have a similar experience?

One of Jesus' classic parables (known as "The Prodigal Son," though Jesus never actually named his parables) has a case of jealousy/envy/comparison-itis. The older brother comes in from working, sees that a party is going on, and he discovers it's for his good-for-nothing-little-brother who had insulted his father and left home with his inheritance. It seems that "good old Dad" was throwing a party for this louse. Puhleeze. So big brother instigates a protest. He doesn't take a knee, he just refuses to enter the house.

When Dad came out to talk some sense into his son, he got an earful of anger instead. Big brother was so upset. "IT'S JUST NOT FAIR!!!" (And the little kid in each of us might even want to shout, 'Hear! Hear! You tell 'em!") Why is that?

Why do we begrudge others' happiness? Or success? Or blessings? Are we worried there's some cosmic shortage of grace... and if others experience some, then we might not ever get any? Rubbish. A cursory reading of the Bible indicates that's a flat-out lie. God has unending resources of grace, love, and blessings. Why can't we wish for good things for others?

Grace abounds, friends. There's MORE than enough to go around. So let go of that envy. (It'll do your soul some good!)

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