"The word of the LORD came to me: Mortal, the house of Israel has become dross to me; all of them, silver, bronze, tin, iron, and lead. In the smelter they have become dross."
(Ezekiel 22:17)
I remember as a child going to visit Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia. My father is a historian, so I grew up with a love of history. I was so excited to see Williamsburg - the old buildings, the tricorn hats, the authentic dress, the Revolutionary War weaponry, etc. But we also got to watch an authentic glass-blower, and see an ironsmith worker. We're often so far removed from the things we buy, we don't really know how they're made/prepared/grown for our use.
Metals are melted (in the "smelter") in order to remove the impurities, called "dross." They're only removed when highly heated - so much that the metal becomes liquid and the dross rises to the surface. It's a pretty amazing process to watch.
In Ezekiel 22, God chastises his people . He has Ezekiel call them out for become so impure. He calls them "dross." And God lists all kinds of "metal" that the people are: silver, bronze, tin, iron, and lead. The full gamut (except for maybe gold). All of them are dross. Unclean. Impure. And it's time for a reckoning... time to be smelted.
No one is perfect, of course. We all have "impurities." But precious metals and stones can still function and have value with a few impurities. The problem comes when we have more impurities than we have quality. But God, in his infinite grace, mercy and wisdom doesn't discard us. God doesn't get rid of us or distance Himself from us.
No. God purifies us! God heats us up so the dross in our lives can be separated and removed. The smelting process is never fun, of course... but it's necessary. And after coming "through the fire," we will be renewed. Our value will have increased. As God draws us closer.
So let us not be afraid of the fiery trials that life throws our way. God could be using those situations to help melt away our impurities.