"He will feed his flock like a shepherd; he will gather the lambs in his arms, and carry them in his bosom, and gently lead the mother sheep."
(Isaiah 40:11)
There's a wonderful little book by Charlotte Zolotow called "William's Doll." It was originally published in 1972 (and was part of the "Free to Be You and Me" storybook compilation, as well!). It centers around a little boy who wants a doll. But his parents (mostly father) give him balls, trains, and other "boy gifts." His grandmother, however, buys him a doll... which drives his Dad crazy! But Grandma says it's so William can learn how to be a good father and care for his children properly.
I love the flipping of the gender roles in that story. Who says only women can be nurturing, gentle, and compassionate? I've been blessed to grow up in a family where my dad modeled caring and nurture, and even helped around the house. He grew up in a family where that was modeled, too. So guess how I raised my kids? My wife, Jody, once jokingly said that our son, Ezra, would make his future wife very happy one day - as he'll be helping care for the children and taking care of the house. But Emily, she said, will make someone a bit frustrated, as her husband will be expected to do the same... and if he didn't come from a family where that was modeled, he'll have to learn quickly! lol
Maybe that's why I was drawn to this passage from Isaiah 40 today. God exhibits loving, nurturing, and compassionate acts. "God will feed his flock like a shepherd; gather the lambs in his arms, and carry them in his bosom, and gently lead the mother sheep." Feed, gather, carry, and lead. It's soaked in gentility and compassion, tenderness and love. Those aren't "feminine qualities" per se... they are HUMAN QUALITIES! They should be expressed by all of God's creations. But we live in a world where all do not grow up experiencing these attributes in their families of origin, so it's hard to pick up later.
And yet, that's exactly how God relates to us... IF we'll let Him! May we allow God to feed, gather, carry, and lead us. May we bask in God's gentleness... and then pass that same thing on to others! AMEN.