When others push our buttons...
"You then, my child, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus."
(2 Timothy 2:1)
So many TV (& radio) commercials these days seem to have disclaimers attached to them. On the television, they're in the form of scrolling additions on the bottom... or fine print at the end... or an announcer reading it super-fast. I find that car dealers, drug manufacturers, and alcohol producers seem to be the most frequent offenders. But today, I'm going to have to issue a disclaimer, too.
My disclaimer is simple: I haven't studied the original Greek text, nor have I looked up any biblical commentaries on this passage... so I can't say anything with certain authority. There's a good chance that my interpretation isn't 100% Biblically accurate. Nevertheless, I'm going to give it anyway.
The writer of 2 Timothy calls his/her intended subject to "be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus." I find it interesting that the instruction isn't to simply "be strong" or "have grace"... which would call for that person to muster up the sufficient resources his/herself. No, this writer specifically says, "be strong in the grace THAT IS IN CHRIST JESUS." So that calls me to look at Jesus, and the grace that he had.
Jesus was constantly angering people because of his graciousness. He'd hang out with ANYBODY - from the upper eschaton of religious leaders, to people that others might call the "dregs of society" (i.e. prostitutes, tax collectors, lepers, and other outcasts). The disciples freaked out when Jesus was conversing with a Samaritan woman (because she was both a woman and a Samaritan - two groups they avoided interacting with in public). They were also witnesses to him going everywhere with a spirit of love and grace.
We all have times during our week (day!) that try our patience. People get us upset. Situations at work push our buttons. And don't get met started about the crazy drivers that are out on the roads these days!!! On our own, it's hard to keep it together. It's tough to always have the wherewithal to respond appropriately.
But the writer of 2 Timothy says that we don't have to have it together on our own. We can draw upon the grace that is in Jesus! Why? Because we've aligned our lives with him. We've given him reign in our hearts and minds. And we should allow him to begin to change us as we live out our daily lives.
So don't fret. Jesus (and his divine reservoir of grace) is available! Let's draw upon it.