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Don't stop!

"See, I am sending you out like sheep into the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves... When they persecute you in one town, flee to the next; for truly I tell you, you will not have gone through all the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes."

(Matthew 10:16, 23)

You might say I've moved around a bit. Not nearly as much as some, but probably more than most. My dad worked for the National Park Service, and we moved a lot while I was growing up (4x through high school). And I'm living in my 5th city since getting married 27 years ago. They say next to having a loved one die, moving is the 2nd-most stressful human event.

Jesus sends his disciples out to do the work he's been preparing them to do. But he warns them that it won't be all "rainbows & butterflies." People will oppose them. They'll be hated. In fact, they'll even be driven out of some towns (not exactly a job you'd willingly sign up for, is it?).

But... hang in there, says Jesus. Don't panic. "But the one who endures to the end will be saved" (v.22). Then he tells them if they get kicked out of one city, just move on to the next one. There are more towns in Israel than they can possibly live in before Jesus returns in glory.

That last part grabbed me. Why not just leave it at "don't give up! Press on!"? Why add the part about more towns than you can possibly visit?

Maybe to help keep them FOCUSED on the task at hang? Yah, getting kicked out ("driven out") of a town would suck. And if it happens over and over again, it could be very discouraging. But Jesus reminds his followers there's always another town where people need words of hope, acts of helming, and spiritual freedom and grace. Keep at it... don't stop... until Jesus comes back again.

I hear this as a call to keep focused on living out God's Kingdom here, wherever it is that we're living now. No matter how hard, frustrating, or disappointing things may get, there are always MORE PEOPLE who need what God can give... even if others oppose you while you're doing it. Don't stop.

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