It's a BIG "but"...
"For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you; but if you do not forgive others, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."
(Matthew 6:14-15)
It's not exactly what Sir Mix-A-Lot was singing about in his 1992 classic, "Baby's Got Back"... but there's a BIG "but" in today's scripture reading from Matthew 6! It's the Sermon on the Mount, and Jesus is teaching his disciples about praying. After sharing what would come to be known as "The Lord's Prayer," he says we are to forgive others of their "trespasses," and God will do the same for us. BUT... if we don't forgive others, neither will God forgive us.
Wow. Seriously? I've heard it said that refusing to forgive someone is like drinking poison and hoping that other person will die. This kinda confirms that. If we harbor (nurture) unforgiveness, it will ultimately hurt us. So in the words of Disney's "Frozen," just let it go.
Forgiveness is so hard for many of us. I get that. We've been hurt and want the one who hurt us to suffer. Or at least suffer the consequences for his/her actions. And honestly, that's the way it should be. We are responsible for our actions and should have to face whatever consequences come our way. BUT... we don't need to hold on to bitterness and unforgiveness.
To forgive someone doesn't mean that now "everything is okay." Not at all. We shouldn't have to be put in another dangerous (or hurtful) situation with the one who has wronged us. But forgiveness doesn't necessarily mean reconciliation (that CAN happen, if both parties want it... but that's often not the case). Forgiveness, at its heart, is giving up the right to seek revenge (or get even). It's letting go of the resentment and ill will towards another.
In the end, WE do things all the time that hurt God (often by the ways we treat others - Jesus told us a reflection of our love for God is how we love others). But God, in his infinite mercy, stands ready to forgive and set us right. That's GRACE!
May we follow in God's footsteps.