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Be Careful What You Wish For!

"But the people refused to listen to the voice of Samuel; they said, 'No! but we are determined to have a king over us, so that we also may be like other nations, and that our king may govern us and go out before us and fight our battles.'"

(1 Samuel 8:19-20)

We all long for strong leaders in our lives. Leaders with compassion, grace, wisdom, courage, vision, and intestinal fortitude! We may differ on who constitutes those qualities - but just about everyone wants to have a solid leader.

So it was with the people of Israel. But they had temporary amnesia.

When they left Egypt (as slaves), Moses led them through the wilderness for 40 years... then Joshua led them into the Promised Land... then they had a variety of "judges" who helped lead for a season. Some were strong and positive influences... others, not so much.

By the time we get to the book of 1 Samuel, the people are frustrated. They see all the neighboring countries who have kings and leaders. But they don't. So they BEG the prophet Samuel to give them a king like everyone else.

Samuel tells them to be careful what they ask for. Kings demand a LOT from their subjects: money, crops, servants, land, etc. The people are "determined," however, to have a king like everyone else, so they "refuse to listen" to Samuel (their spiritual leader).

But here's the kicker. THEY ALREADY HAD A KING! God was their king. Kings would come and go. A few would be excellent. Most wouldn't. And even the best among them were imperfect, fallible humans. But had they relied, instead, on God to lead and guide them... had they put their trust and allegiance in Him... things might have been very different.

I wonder how often I do the very same thing? How often do I look to other people, experiences, or things to take the place of what God can do in my life? Inspiration, security, love & affection, feelings of worth, value, and importance? There are so many ways I turn to something other than God.


So be careful what you wish for...

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