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Kin Care

"I will sing of your steadfast love, O LORD, forever; with my mouth I will proclaim your faithfulness to all generations."

(Psalm 89:1)

I've heard some parents profess, "I"m not going to take/force my kids to go to church. I want them to be able to decide for themselves." It sounds noble enough, doesn't it? And yet, we don't give our kids the choice of "deciding for themselves" if they want to go to school, or the doctor, or to the dentist regularly, etc. There are some things we know to be beneficial, so we expose our children to them accordingly. And as they get older, they can then decide how much they'll continue to be connected to those activities (college, graduate school, etc.).

Psalm 89 speaks of proclaiming God's faithfulness to all generations. While preaching and evangelism are a couple components of this, the true power comes from proclaiming to our own families. To our children and grandchildren, nieces and nephews, cousins & (as we say in Hawaii) "Calabash ohana". Find ways to speak of God's goodness to those around you. Tell stories of how God has been a part of your life. Bring them to church, VBS, youth group, Messy Church, whatever it may be that has life, passion, power, love, and grace.

When we witness to our kin, it carries more power than a sermon. And we all need to engage in that kind of "preaching!"

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