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It's all good.

"But Moses said to them, 'Are you jealous for my sake? Would that all the LORD's people were prophets, and that the LORD would put his spirit on them!'"

(Numbers 11:29)

Why do we get jealous? It's happens to just about every human, doesn't it? We envy others' houses, cars, clothing, electronic gadgets, vacations, love lives, etc. We wonder what our lives might be like if we were more fit, good-looking, healthy, active, interesting, engaged w/ culture, intelligent, etc., like others we know. We dream about better jobs, situations in life, finances, etc. It happens to all of us... even pastors.

There's a story in the book of Numbers where Moses is overwhelmed with the burdens of leading the people (especially because they grumble and complain so much). So God instructs him to pick 70 leaders and God will impart his spirit on them, too. Sorta "share the load" kind of thing. So he did. And 68 of the 70 followed Moses into the worship space for a divine encounter.

But two, Eldad & Medad, stayed among the people. God's spirit came upon them and they began to prophesy. Someone noticed it, thought Moses would be upset, and ran to tell him. Even Joshua, one of Mo's right-hand men, thought they should be stopped (probably since they weren't following the "program" that all the other were). But Moses chided the messenger (and Joshua), saying he wished that God's spirit would rest on ALL of God's people!

Why were they so upset at Eldad and Medad? Worried they'd take away from Moses' authority? Afraid they'd lose standing int he eyes of the people? Fortunately, Moses was secure enough in his own character and calling that he wasn't threatened by what God was doing in and through others. That's such a powerful lesson.

Why do we pastors get jealous and envious of other clergy (and their churches)? Or of folks within our churches who exhibit and exercise God's power? It's not about us (no matter how good of a preacher/pastor we think we are!). It's about GOD'S KINGDOM. Period. May it come in power through whatever means necessary... and via whomever God chooses to use. I want to see the big picture like Moses. It's all good.

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