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Neither Gozer nor Zeus!

"In past generations (God) allowed all the nations to follow their own ways; yet he has not left himself without a witness in doing good - giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, and filling you with food and your hearts with joy."

(Acts 14:16-17)

In the classic 1984 film GHOSTBUSTERS, an ancient Sumerian God named Gozer the Gozerian asks Dr. Raymond Stantz if he's a god. Though his buddies nod affirmatively, Ray says, 'No.' "THEN... DIE!" in the response... as lightning flies from his fingers, almost blasting the Ghostbusters off the roof. "Ray," says fellow Ghostbuster, Winston, "when someone asks if you're a god, you say 'YES!'"

Paul could relate. While in Lystra, Paul healed a man crippled from birth. Word traveled fast, and soon the local chapter of Zeus Worshippers were positive that Paul & Barnabas were Hermes & Zeus reincarnate! They gathered the theory and brought oxen and garlands to worship and sacrifice to them. Neglecting Winston's advice, they also tell the crowds that they are not gods.

But it was something Paul said AFTER declining godlike status that struck me. He said God has never left himself without a witness in doing good... and then goes on to mention the gifts of nature (rain, harvests, food, and joy!). I was hiking in the desert on Friday with my friend, Jack, who remarked (while looking at the gorgeous 'carpets' of wildflowers strewn across the landscape), "I can't understand how anyone questions whether there's a God?"

God makes himself known in many ways. That's God's witness. Nature & creation, of course. But also through the actions of others who love, forgive, reach out, welcome, sacrifice, teach, heal, strengthen, encourage, support, and have compassion for others. Those are kingdom traits! Anytime someone acts in these ways - whether they call themselves Christians or not - they are being a witness to God's goodness.

May each of us strive to live a life that gives witness to God's Kingdom.

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