Stirred and willing.
"And they came, everyone whose heart was stirred and everyone whose spirit was willing, and brought the LORD's offering to be used for the tent of meeting, and for all its service, and for the sacred vestments."
(Exodus 35:21)
This is probably one of my favorite passages in all scripture when it comes to stewardship.
In general, however, I hate being asked for money. I don't like door-to-door salesmen, phone solicitors, salespeople outside grocery stories, etc. I don't think I'm stingy... I just don't like being put on the spot.
Maybe that's how some people feel when it comes to giving to the church. Maybe. But not me. And not because I'm a pastor, either. I felt this way long before I was ordained. My family has always given to God (via the local church). Freely and without reservation. Tithing has been our norm: giving 10% of our income back to God. It's all God's anyway. We're just stewards.
When Moses led the people out of bondage in Egypt, they were starting a new chapter of their lives. It wasn't easy. They whined, complained, grumbled, and gave God all kinds of problems. But when the time came to create a portable worship space (the Tent of Meeting), the people responded. All whose hearts were stirred and whose spirits were willing.
Giving to God shouldn't be a compulsion. We should have our hearts stirred and willing spirits because of all the things that God has already done in our lives!!! We're so blessed. How can we not give back?
At least that's how I see it. May it always be that way for me.