The Happiest Place on Earth
"But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going ahead of you to Galilee; there you will see him, just as he told you."
(Mark 16:7)
I've been a Disneyland annual pass holder for a year and a half now. The Happiest Place on Earth is a place that brings me joy, inspiration, and nurtures my creativity. I'm not an expert yet, but I've picked up quite a few insights, tips and tricks. And I love going with a group of people (family or friends here on vacation).
I'm 'wired' to be thinking 2-3 steps ahead when I'm at "The Parks." Juggling wait times for rides, fastness options, entertainment & food needs, I love running ahead to set the next steps in place for our day. The joy I see in others as they have a fabulous experience more than makes up for the extra effort on my part.
On that very first Easter, when the women came to Jesus' tomb, Mark tells us they were met by a "young man dressed in white" (angel?). He informed them Jesus wasn't there anymore. He had been raised! And then he tasked them to tell the disciples... AND to meet Jesus in Galilee. He was "going ahead" of them. That's where they'd see him again.
I love that. Jesus is constantly leading us forward... going ahead of us and calling us to join him. He loves us too much to leave us where we are (in our hurt, uncertainty, confusion, or even our simplistic discipleship). The risen Christ is alive and working for good in the world and in our lives - but we have to keep moving, keep growing, keep responding to the challenges in life to fully embrace what God has to offer us. We have to go ahead to Galilee.
And THAT is truly the Happiest Place on Earth - wherever it is that God is leading us. May we keep moving ahead to Galilee to meet Jesus.