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Deep Impact

"They compelled a passer-by, who was coming in from the country, to carry his cross; it was Simon of Cyrene, the father of Alexander & Rufus."

(Mark 15:21)

He might be one of the most famous "minor characters" in the entire crucifixion story: Simon of Cyrene. He just happens dot be in the wrong place at the right time. A man, minding his own business, journeying from the countryside back into the city of Jerusalem. But along that pathway, he happened to come across Jesus being led out to Golgotha for execution.

Jesus was in bad shape. He'd already been beaten quite severely. The Roman practice of making criminals carry their own cross (or cross beam) was taking a toll on him. So the Roman soldiers exercised their right to compel a bystander to carry something for up to a mile. Thus, Simon drew cross duty.

What struck me this morning, however, as I was reading, was how they described Simon: "the father of Alexander & Rufus." I wonder why Mark says this? Why not talk about Simon's job, or his spouse, or his position within the Jewish community? Some commentators speculate that it's because Alexander & Rufus became prominent figures in the early church movement (which would make sense, don't you think)?

There's nothing int he gospels that indicates Simon had any connection to Jesus prior to this cross-carrying encounter. And yet, it must have changed his life. Completely. So much that his children grew up to be a significant part of the "Jesus movement."

Which got me thinking... how crucial it is for us to teach our children just how important our relationship with Jesus is. It's not about "joining a church" or "practicing religion." It's about Jesus. It's about telling our family (and friends?!?!) what a difference and impact Jesus has made in our lives. And then watching our children live out THEIR own relationship with the Savior of the World.

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