It's just gravy.
"King Herod heard of it, for Jesus' name had become known."
(Mark 6:14)
Fame & recognition is a tricky thing. We humans seem drawn to it (both for ourselves and we gravitate towards those who have it). But if we get it, it often comes with unexpected heartache and stress. Some of my staff and I are in Boise this week for a Conference. We've heard some great speakers (& have been both challenged and blessed). But every so often, the little voice in my head (not the Holy Spirit) says, 'Wouldn't you like to be that well known? Wouldn't it be nice if your church was this much larger?'
Those moments don't last long, of course. I'm happy and content with where God has placed me. But as I was reading Mark 6 today, a single sentence jumped off the pages at me. Jesus has been preaching, teaching, and healing. Word has got around. And now King Herod knows. He's THAT popular and famous. Which, actually, is not a good thing. Mark reminds us Herod beheaded his cousin, John the Baptist. From here on, too, Jesus will be a marked man.
So be careful what you wish for (fame, recognition, size). It just may come with other problems. AND YET, there's another insight that stood out from Mark 6:14... "for Jesus' name had become known." That's the TRUE power of this story. Jesus' name, not mine. Both of the speakers I've connected to most this week were very clear about that. They're not trying to "push their brand" or "make themselves known." They're actively (and deeply) making Jesus' name known.
That's my call.
That's my passion.
Everything else is just gravy. (And I'm grateful for the gravy God has given me!)