"Building the NEXT generation"
"Abram passed through the land to the place at Shechem, to the oak of Moreh. At that time the Canaanites were in the land. Then the LORD appeared to Abram, and said, 'To your offspring I will give this land.'"
(Genesis 12:6-7)
We have two children. Our eldest has graduated from college, has a steady job, and is in the process of trying to buy his first house. Our youngest is a sophomore in college, knows her major (and future career), has a steady job (soon to be 2 jobs!), and loves the school she's attending. Jody and I are so very proud of them both!
We raised them to be persons of faith, integrity and joy. They both have a solid network of friendships, and are actively finding their own way in this world. Of course we love them dearly, and have prayed fervently for them as they've grown. But ultimately we can only entrust them to God's care. We can't control who they are (or will become). Nor should we.
As I was rereading the beginning of the Abraham Saga in Genesis, I was reminded of how it all started. God called Abram & Sarah to leave their house at the ripe young age of 75 & 66 respectively... and eventually God would tell them to stop somewhere and start anew. So they journeyed to the land of Canaan - where others were already living (the Canaanites). It was there that God told Abram he'd eventually give land there to his offspring. Over many centuries, that would come to be the nation of Israel. Setting aside the whole Israeli/Palestinian land issue, I found this deeply moving.
Abram is in a foreign land. He and Sarai are sojourners. They have what they brought with them, but very little else. AND YET... God is letting them know that he's going to provide so much more for their yet-to-be-born children (which would come when they were 99 & 90 years young!). Wow. What faith that must have taken for those two to trust in God at that point in their lives.
At Palmdale UMC, we like to say we're "Building the next generation." We know what God has called us to now... but we're also planning for future Believers. We don't know all of what that will look like. But we have a beautiful piece of property we're paying down. Someday God will use that to be a blessing to the entire Antelope Valley. We may not see it (completed) yet... but we can trust that God has a (much) bigger picture than we do.
The same goes with my children. I know God has great plans for each of their lives. All I can do right now is love, encourage, support (from a distance), and pray for them. Oh yah, and trust God.
May it be so. AMEN.