(Can I have your autograph?)
"Whenever unclean spirits saw (Jesus), they fell down before him and shouted, 'You are the Son of God!' But he sternly ordered them not to make him known."
(Mark 3:11-12)
Jody and I have been Disneyland Annual Passholders for a year and a half now. We try to go down to the Parks once a month (it's about a 2 hour drive from our home in Palmdale). I find that it fills me with joy, creativity, and childlike energy. (Jody just likes seeing me so happy!)
I've joined a few Facebook groups devoted to Disneyland. And I follow a ton of people on Twitter who have Disney ties. There's also a page for noting when celebrities are in the Parks. When someone notices a celeb, they either post a pic or make a report so others in the parks can be on the lookout that day. I think it's kinda cool. Jody wants to let folks enjoy their day without being bothered.
Last year I had the pleasure of being a guest at Club 33. Among the group who were there in our special group that day were two actors from popular tv shows (Modern Family & The Office). While we were moving through California Adventure on a guided tour, some folks recognized one of the actors and wanted to take a picture with him. He was very gracious and always stopped... but I could tell it was a bit annoying (and taxing on him, too).
In Mark's gospel, Jesus is also being "called out" as the Son of God... but it's not by whom you might guess. Many people were hearing him teach and preach... and seeing him heal others. They were drawn to him & hounded him. But it was the "unclean spirits" who recognized his divinity. "You are the son of God!" they said.
(On a side note, Jesus' command to "not make him known" is seen by many commentators as "the messianic secret," meaning that people needed to come to their own understanding of who Jesus truly was - not be told by others, and forced to believe that way.)
It's one thing to recognize a popular celebrity... and another thing altogether to recognize the Lordship of Jesus in one's life. In our story today, it was the DEMONS who recognized him!!! Dang. I guess there are some things that "everyone knows" (or at least everyone should know - heck, the demons do!).
May I continue to recognize (and honor) Jeuss' divinity in my life on a daily basis. (And leave celebrities alone when they're in the Disney parks!)