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"It's GOOD!"

"Then God said, 'Let there be light"; and there was light. And God saw that the light was good..."

(Genesis 1:3-4a)

I love both creation stories in Genesis. In chapter 1, God has a systematic and orderly way of creating. In chapters 2-3, there's much more of a relationship with humankind (Adam & Eve) - plus the problem of sin enters the picture. But today as I was rereading these first two chapters of Genesis, I noticed something I hadn't before.

In the first chapter of the very first book of the Bible, God speaks and things come into existence (light, darkness, waters, sky, land, vegetation, sun/moon/stars, creatures, birds, wild animals, and humans). And most of the time, right after God speaks it into existence, the narrator says, 'And God saw that it was good.'

Which made me think... didn't God already know it would be good before he created it?!? Or did he just "try something out," saw what happened, and then thought, "Wow! That's pretty good, actually!" (not that he was patting himself on the back, per se... but that everything he created - EVERYTHING - is inherently good. Everything!)

I like to think I have a few "creative bones" in my body. Creativity excites and propels me forward. But sometimes I worry before I embark on a new creative endeavor - what if it doesn't work out? What if it's not good? This passage from Genesis 1 reminds me to (in the words of Nike), "JUST DO IT!" Be creative! Take a risk! Put yourself out there. Don't be afraid. Follow God's lead and be creative without worrying whether it will be any good or not.

Chances are, God will bless it. Or, if nothing else, God will bless YOU as you go about being creative. (But I'd wager that somewhere along the way, that creative endeavor will also be a blessing to someone else. So just do it!)

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