"Ground that drinks up the rain falling on it repeatedly, and that produces a crop useful to those for whom it is cultivated, receives a blessing from God."
(Hebrews 6:7)
The state of California has been in a drought for many years. We get used to conserving water. We limit the days and times we water our yards. We go to the car wash instead of doing it ourselves (and wasting water). We cut down our shower times. The list goes on and on.
But recently we've experienced an abundance of rain. Since mid-December, we've had storm after storm dump water onto our parched land here in California. It truly has been a blessing! One of the sings of all this rain are the green hillsides that once were totally brown. We've also had to deal with flooding. Unlike Hawaii, where it rains frequently, the ground here in the high desert isn't used to being soaked. But we're beginning to see the results, and it's glorious!
The author of Hebrews has one verse in the 6th chapter that gets to the heart of this: "Ground that drinks up the rain falling on it repeatedly, and that produces a crop useful to those for whom it's cultivated, receives a blessing from God." We are the ground (see the Parable of the Soils)... our job is to produce crops (aka "fruit") with our lives. But this verse reminds me that God is the rain that "falls repeatedly" upon us. God's love... and grace... and mercy... and hope. Not just a little, either. A LOT! And not just for those who "go to church." FOR EVERYONE! The question is, will we allow it to nourish and feed our growth. Or will we, instead, go it alone, and face the prospect of "producing thorns and thistles" (v.8)?
PRAYER: Soak me, Lord. Keep me resting int he marinade of your love. So that all my words, thoughts, and deeds may reflect your goodness, grace and joy. AMEN.