Meet Urgent Needs
"And let people learn to devote themselves to good works in order to meet urgent needs, so that they may not be unproductive."
(Titus 3:14)
We all have our "to do lists"... whether we actually write them down or simply keep a running tally in our heads. We all have places to go, people to see, and tasks to accomplish. Sometimes it can be so overwhelming. Other times we gravitate to the "easy items" first, in order to check things off our list.
The author of Titus gives us another filter by which we can accomplish things: "meet urgent needs." Seems simply enough. For ourselves, our friends, our community, our church... meet urgent needs. What is most pressing? Most important? Most essential to do right now? Not necessarily do I want to do... but what's the urgent need I can fill?
We're reminded when we meet urgent needs, that's a "productive day."
Amen to that.