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Being decisive.

"Immediately he made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead to the other side, while he dismissed the crowds."

(Matthew 14:22)

There are times when leader will seek the input of those s/he leads in making decisions. And then there are times s/he makes a decision alone. As I was reading Matthew 14 today, I found one of those latter situations.

Jesus had just finished healing a large crowd of people... and then feeding them with 5 loaves and 2 fish. It's the infamous "feeding of the 5k," and it must have been amazingly invigorating for the disciples to have witnessed.

But "IMMEDIATELY" afterwards (Matthew 14:22), Jesus "made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead to the other side." Maybe this was part of the predetermined itinerary... but more likely, Jesus made an executive decision here. He knew they needed to get away... maybe to start prepping the next area for ministry. So Jesus "made" them get into the boat.

I wonder if they rested at first? Did Jesus suggest they get into the boat, then faced a little push-back from his disciples? Did some of them with servants' hearts want to stay and help clean up (that would have been MY first inclination)? Whatever the reason, jesus was forceful in his insistence that they get into the boat and shove off.

Did he knew they'd hit a storm at sea that night? And that he'd have to come rescue them on the water - another GREAT "teaching moment"? Or did that just happen on its own, with Jesus responding as needed? I'm not quick to say that he planned everything (storm included)... but rather feel Jesus was so in tune with the Holy Spirit that he knew what was needed at just the right time.

I'm still growing as a leader - especially as a leader of a large staff. My default is to work for consensus and consultation. But this story from Matthew reminds me that there are times I'll need to be decisive... times I'll need to make a decision and move ahead. May I do so from a place of spiritual roundedness... like Jesus did!

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